Thursday, April 28, 2016


sahm or stay at home mom.

i am not the type. obviously. i know many would think of me saying this made me become less of a mother. no, i am not. it is just a matter of preference. yup i do like to be around my son but i was a career woman long before i am a mother.

i love reading shit out of contract. i love to indulge myself in drafting. i missed the adrenaline during negotiation meeting...or (was it argument?)

dont get me wrong as i have so much respect for the sahm. the sacrifice the made. i am one of them now. it has been 3 months i ve taken the job as domestic goddes. im starting to love it.

but somehow there are some spots in here feel like it needs to be filled in.

i ve got job interviews next week. wish me luck. i ve attended quite few but none made it to employment.

as for now, pls enjoy this lil man who is currently so obsessed with car. and sleep with it

As always,


Friday, April 22, 2016

just wanted to try this apps. spent one dollar and let see if i can commit to blogging religiously. till then, enjoy this fella having a nap like a bawse!

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