Tuesday, January 17, 2012


alhamdulillah..smlm dh setel dh appraisal aku ngn bos. komen bos yg baik2 aje...mostly dia agree dgn rating kpi yg aku letak utk diri aku. cuma ade satu tu je dia suh tuko. sbb aku letak tinggi sgt...smp stretch..hahaha sorry le bos..i terbajet hebat lak..hikhikhik...

anyhoot, boss advised me to brag more about my achievement. not saying tht i didnt achieve anytg, and aku rase dia rase aku ni over achieved.. (matiklaa perasan bagus khennnnnn)..the thing is, i am not good in bragging abt meself lah. yeap, agreed with u boss. sy ni rendah diri...tiada siat2 riak gitu...cuma ade zuhud dan wasatiah. buat kerja juga ikhlas. oklah fine....year 2012 im gonna be a bragger who talk and get ppl notice of my achievement. tapi nasihat bos ku pula...brag is brag jugalah..but biarlah ade isi..and again..i concurred.

tp aku tau laa ade few ppl yg definitely talk big in the office but habuk je yg keluar...opssssss... ni general statement yerr.. in all ofc pon ade this type of ppl. so paab is not an exemption nonetheless..

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