Tuesday, January 5, 2010


semalam CRO sudah mula bertugas..bos no. 2 dalam opis.. and legal dept will be reporting directly to him, not CEO anymore.. i went to see him in his room to welcome him onboard..we had a little chit chat and at the end of our conversation, he asked if i have a copy of WSIA 2006.

i told him i have it..both printed n softcopy.. and asked him which one is his preference..he said i can just give him the soft copy, he ll just read it from the pc..ermm me knowing the fact that wsia itself is quite thick plus the regulations..and there ll be lots of cross references from one section to another..so i just pointed it out to him..

and he just replied..owh may be because i am banker and ur a lawyer.. hahahah nasib baik aku tak pecah gelak kat situ...adoiiiiiiiiiiii

makanya, aku nak buat beberapa kesimpulan dari remark yang sedemikian:-

1. banker memang nyatanya tidak suka buku..ermm..adekah sebab itu bank2 kebanyakannya telah memansuhkan penggunaan buku bank?

2. typical lawyer (saja aku gunakan perkataan typical) memang tidak sukakan komputer..heheheehehe

3. banker seorang yang berjimat..sebab tu dia takmo print on paper

okay aku adelah merapu..sebabnya it is now 4.30am as i just woke up from bed at this odd hour..setelah aku tidur dari jam 8 mlm..hahahha

4 tukang karut:

Anonymous said...

heheh. aku ske la dis post.
agak relevant gak la alasan or kesimpulan kau tu. haha

aku la.
yang nak ada blog tapi tak buat buat blog tu lagi...

sekian. wei, eva buat lipposuction eh? aku doakan dia sehat

~salwaredzuan~ said...

kesimpulan yg aku buat pukul 3.30 pagi tuh..ahahah karut lagi mengarut sahaja

Anonymous said...

meanrik la kesimpula2 tu emon..i stuju jgk


~salwaredzuan~ said...

hahah..tu aku melalut je cik pza..

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