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i was late to court this morning.. arrived there around 9.40 am.. i was lucky cos tuan sekeri had stood down the matter to 10.15.. hikhikhik.. was informed by my ex student who happen 2b the dpp at that particular court.. but then, she only handle drug cases and mine this morning is an fop dpp frm putrajaya is handling it..i had the hunch since last nite that the matter will be postponed to a later date.. and i even prayed to Allah before i went to bed for the case to be adjourned.. yepp.. i admit it!! keji aite? hhaha like i said, i just wanna enjoy my last week in practice chilling out in the office..
apparently, i was the lucky one!! yeayyyy..
my case has been postponed to next week cos they have some other part heard matter.. yeayy.. sekeri rawks n i heart u.. chewahh time ni laa i nak puji hakim tu kan? wakkaakka.. right after my case was called n postponed, off we went to the cafe.. me n my ex student, madiana.. too bad she cudnt stay longer as she has lots of IPs to settle with in the ofc.. whilst i was taking my sweet time lingering in court..
unfortunately there's no one to accompany me.. hampehsss kan? nampak sgt tak ramai dah my fren yg prektis.. and i pon wont be in the practice anymore.. soon.sob sob sob.. sedih dan gumbire laa jugak.. but thats the original arrangement i had with mom when i told her that i wanted to practice in criminal law.. only 2 years.. and exactly after 2 years, im now saying goodbye to all my fellow OKTs.. hahah gilo apo fellow okt? actually 3 years laa plus the chambering tapi, chambering tu zaman kuli batak, so takyah kire lahhh kan?
3 tukang karut:
suka ye postpone2..nk kne blacklist nih..hehe
amboi sronok nyer dia... :P mood org tgh bercinta mmg cam tue... :D
selalu sy nk kes jalan sbb nak dispose arini angin kemalasan melanda lah..maklumla...dh tak lama lagik jerr..eheheh
hamboi2 makcik ni, sedap je ek buat spekulasi..hang tu yg nak kawen da...sibok tang aku becinta plak..spekulasi sungguh
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